Wednesday 18 April 2012


So i'm casually on Skype chilling with ma hoes, and CS reads my last blog and starts going on about some girl saying im starting to like (my name), Frigging win right? well just so happens im on cam speaking to the same girl! and i guessed instantly it was her... No just teasing her cause she dont know i know ;D What should i do?!


Well a pretty average day, but a shockingly bad night yesterday, the girl I have really really liked for ages has now (after leading me on for a month) has told me she has no feelings for me (Y) sweet... and still need to get my stuff back from her, fun. Hmmm maybe i'll never find someone, but if I don't one thing will always be there for me... Internet! Woo! I kid though, but at the moment love seems to be harder and harder to find, unlike young teen slags who have sex with everyone! Someone might be proud of them but for sure not me!

Peace out!

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Okay as predicted day has turned shit, and I am feeling extremely rebellious, over nothing, I decide to put on some music and I'm partially deaf so I can not judge how loud it is, however I have my bass full constantly but my Dad comes upstairs and asked me to turn it down and I simply told him no, so BOOM it's begun. He grabs me and puts me against the wall and starts screaming at me for not obeying him and some other shit... I kinda phased out and I remember putting him to the floor and now he has a bloody nose. So I am just nesting in my room. Silence in the house is killing me. Headphones are the only solution, about time someone put the fucking oaf in his place. All for tonight. Peace out.

Good day... For now

Goooood day people! For once had a nice day, I did end up helping CS and I am awesome for that! But I've had to spend the entire day in one room doing a exam FML! but got to know some nice people :) insane rain storm freaked the shit out of me thought it was some 2012 shit happening! No doubt that later i will feel like shit  because I can never have a good day... My friend TN got his hair very short and it looks rather hilarious.... So i'll post again later once I'm sad so you sick people can enjoy my misery :D but until then ima munch on pizza! Peace out

Monday 16 April 2012

First day, new start.

Okay so upon seeing my friend's blog, I decided to make my own to help vent, to help preVent (see what I did there ;D) me punching someone! Anywho yeah i'm in this for me to help out, but enjoy!

So in my life I've always been the social outcast not having many, if any friends just drifting by with fair weather friends, however i have met a few true friends some still in touch with, some not so much... However as I have progressed through life, I've lost weight got fairly strong physically, and now use that as a defense against anything... My last 3 years of school have just been frankly, horrific. Friends changing in epic proportions and turning against me for no reason, however! I have made new friends in new places so that is a slight upside.

My new nickname as told is Awkward, as I always seem to make situation awkward somehow, even if i do nothing at all. So I am getting on my Leaver's hoodie 'Awkward' In memory. woohoo. However I digress, my friend who started this shall be referred to as CS for certain reasons, which stands for Crazy Slut. I do love her as a friend, sure more would be nice but that won't happen, meh! But yeah here is her blog Check her out :D

But for now... That is all, I'll keep you updated daily as I have nothing to do cause I have jack shit to do... Peace out.